Vocabulary, grammar, listening exercises
- Scholastic
- Stackexchange: English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts.
- English Club
- FreeRice
- English Forum: Interactive English Language Exercises
- (grammatik- och språkövningar)
- Snope's Rumor Has It; true or false
- Words you didn't know, like "eyeshine"? Watch out for the ads!
- Bab-la dictionary
- Engelsk grammatik på Wikipedia
- Guide to Grammar and Writing
- Teacherondemand - PowerPointar om div. grammatik och sånt
- Self-evaluate your language skills
- Comprehensive Grammar, among other things
- English Grammar Online
- Glosförhör; gör ditt eget!
- UR språk
- Exempel från Göteborgs uni (nationella prov)
- BBC:s engelskkurser
- Autokorrigera din engelska, ungefär
- Become fluent in English; a seven-day course, with The Amazing Corlour Change Card Trick
- Enormt mycket grammatik och ordkunskaper på Speakspeak, nivåsorterat
- Nonstopenglish; loads of spelling, grammar, and word exercises, but needs to be taken with a pinch of salt; more quantity than quality, really!
- Incredible amounts of tests and exercises. Ignore the ads!
- Englishpage för t.ex. oregelbundna verb och prepositioner
- Oregelbundna verb, idiomatiskta uttryck, phrasal verbs, m.m.m. På ESL
- Oregelbundna verb; övningar...bl.m.a!